While Congress is still haggling over the fate of the country's minimum wage laws, the Unicorn Theatre is jumping into the fray with the play Nickel and Dimed. By Steve Walker
Kansas City, MO – While Congress is still haggling over the fate of the country's minimum wage laws, the Unicorn Theatre is jumping into the fray with the play Nickel and Dimed. Based on the bestseller by Barbara Ehrenreich, the play brings to the stage the hopes and frustrations of millions of American workers. KCUR's Steve Walker reports.
Listen to the October 26, 2005 Up to Date interview with Barbara Ehrenreich, also the author of Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream, here .
Nickel and Dimed
by Joan Holden
Based on the book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America by Barbara Ehrenreich.
Directed by Cynthia Levin
Featuring Peggy Friesen, Cheryl Weaver, Lynn King, Jennifer Aguilar, Katie Kalahurka and David Fritts.
March 9-April 1, 2007
PREVIEWS March 7th and 8th
Unicorn Theatre