The 1948 classic film noir, "Sorry, Wrong Number," about a woman who overhears a murder plot, started out as a radio drama. A new production marks the opening of an experimental space in the Crossroads Arts District called Fishtank Performance Studio.By Laura Spencer
Kansas City, MO – Actress Corrie Van Ausdal, the Fishtank's Executive Director, says the space provides an opportunity to rewrite the rules and try off-the-wall projects. Van Ausdal told KCUR's Laura Spencer the idea of a solo performance in "Sorry, Wrong Number" has been percolating for about the last seven years.
"Sorry, Wrong Number," by Louise Fletcher and starring Corrie Van Ausdal, directed by Katie Gilchrist with sound design by David Kiehl.
Saturday, June 27th, 8:30 pm
Friday, July 3rd (First Friday), shows at 8:30 and 10 pm
Monday, July 6th, 8:30 pm
Saturday, July 11th, 8:30 pm
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