Staff of North Kansas City Hospital were shocked to hear it might be sold. The budget for Missouri higher education was cut again. Those and other top stories of the week on the KCUR Saturday News Review.
No Federal Money For KC Streetcars
Mayor Sly James said the city would not give up on the proposed downtown streetcar system despite the rejection of its request for a $25 million TIGER gramt for the project. Federal transportation officials said they turned down the proposal because there is no tax in place to finance the city's part of the proposal yet.
Board Will Fight NKC Hospital Sale Plan
When news leaked that the North Kansas City city council was seeking to sell North Kansas City Hospital, staff and hospital board members were taken by surprise. Board chair Dr. Mike Montgomery said the hospital is financially strong and providing good care, and the board will oppose any decision to sell. One legal question is whether the city actually owns the hospital or if it is owned by the nonprofit corporation that operates it.
Tougher Entrance Requirements For KU
The Kansas Board of Regents announced that starting in 4 years, the standards for automatic admission at KU will be a B average, not the C grades now sufficient at all state colleges and universities. The new standards will take effect in 2014.
Kansas Higher Ed Tuition To Increase
TheBoard of Regents also approved tuition increases of from 3 to 6 percent at 6 public universities, as well as for the University of Kansas School of Medicine. The tuition increases are to take effect this year.
Board Upholds Kobach Decisions
The Kansas Election process settled down as the state objections board upheld Secretary of State Kris Kobach's authority to reassign more than 80 candidates to run in the new redrawn districts. Lt. Governor Jeffs Collyer, who is on the board, said any other course would have endangered coming elections.
Filing Appeal By Lake Quivera Democrat Rejected
The Objections Board also upheld Koster's denying Lake Quivera Democrat Larry Meeker a place on the ballot for the Kansas House. Democratic staff maintained that they filed Meeker's paperwork on time and believed it was lost in Koster's office. Koster's staff said they had no record of any paperwork being filed.
School Funding Lawsuit Hearings Continue
Hearings on a school-funding lawsuit by 54 Kansas districts entered its third week. The districts contend that the state has ignored an earlier court ruling and failed to provide the money to give Kansas students a suitable education.
Kan-Kare Privitazition Draws Protest
and more than 200 people showed up at the first of two final public hearings to protest Governor Brownback's plan to privatize the Medicaid system. Many were disabled persons or their family members who predicted that the quality of care will diminish under the governor's plan.
Nixon Cuts Missouri Higher Ed Budget
Governor Jay Nixon did some “pruning” on the Missouri budget for the coming year. He says the spending plan the legislature endorsed is out of balance by $50. He started off with $15 million in cuts, 9 million of which will come higher education.
Board Revokes License of Abortion Consultant
The Kansas Board of Healing Arts revoked the license of Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus over second-opinion psychiatric exams of young patients of abortion provider George Tiller. The board said her records did not prove she provided thorough exams.
Malnourished 10-year-old Found in Locked Closet
Kansas City police were investigating the case of a malnourished little girl about 10 whom paramedics found imprisoned in a closet on Friday. The child appeared to have been fed through a hole in the door, and evidence indicated she had been confined to the closet for months or longer. The mother of the girl and her boyfriend were arrested and two other children were placed in protective custody.