Right now, panel, time for you to answer some questions about this week's news. Paula?
SAGAL: Paula, according to the Wall Street Journal, our current political polarization is making it hard for people to do what?
POUNDSTONE: Polarization is making it - I don't know, give me a hint.
SAGAL: It's not you. It's not you; it's your policy preferences.
POUNDSTONE: It's making it hard for people to date, to get together.
SAGAL: Yes, to date.
SAGAL: Yes. As the election - yes, date. As the election gets more divisive, single people are finding it harder and harder to reach across the aisle with their genitals.
SAGAL: The Journal talked to matchmakers who complained that people refused to date anybody from the opposite political party, despite the fact that they had so much else in common, like being desperate enough to hire a matchmaker.
It is hard for Democrats and Republicans to date. When the check comes at the end of the meal, the Republican insists on going Dutch, because she hates redistribution, while the Democrat wants to get everybody else in the restaurant to chip in a little for the meal.
SAGAL: Those on the dating scene are advised to widen their horizons and let go of their prejudices. Why not pitch a big tent? Look at successful examples. Take Mary Matalin, who is able to love James Carville even though she's a Republican and he looks like an enormous naked snapping turtle.
LUKE BURBANK: Or, on a good day, Voldemort.
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