Missouri lawmaker wants to close gun show loophole. Missouri wildlife thrived through tough conditions in 2012. Former Jackson County Prosecutor Albert Riederer passed away.
Missouri Lawmaker To Propose Closing Gun Show Loophole
A St. Louis County lawmaker plans to file legislation that would require background checks on anyone who buys a firearm at a gun show. State Representative Stacey Newman (D, Richmond Heights) says her proposal would close the so-called “gun show loophole” in Missouri and require background checks. Find out more here.
Missouri Wildlife Has Good Year In 2012
2012 was a rough year for Missouri farmers battling severe drought and extreme heat, but some species of wildlife did well – specifically, turkeys, bobwhite quail and honeybees. Find out more here.
Former Jackson County Prosecutor Albert Riederer Dies
As a Jackson County Prosecutor throughout the 1990s, Albert Reiderer made news headlines often. That was before he was a Missouri Appeals Court Judge and a Jackson County Legislator. Find out more about Riederer’s career and life here.