In looking back on her favorite reads from 2015, NPR books and publishing correspondent Lynn Neary realized that many of them were short story collections.
She talks with Here & Now’s Robin Young about what makes a good short story, and which collections highlighted a genre that seems to be picking up steam in the age of digital readers and short attention spans.
Books Mentioned In This Segment
- “Redeployment,” Phil Klay (National Book Award winner for Fiction in 2014)
- “Fortune Smiles,” by Adam Johnson (National Book Award Winner 2015)
- “Tenth of December,” George Saunders
- “The Tsar of Love and Techno,” by Anthony Marra
- “The State We’re In: Maine Stories,” by Ann Beattie
- “Get In Trouble,” Kelly Link
- Lynn Neary, NPR arts correspondent. She tweets @LynnPNeary.
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