With the opening of the Bloch Building at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the new spaces within its gleaming white walls seemed to cry out for art as fresh and cutting edge as the structure itself.
By Steve Walker
Kansas City, MO – At the building's mid-section is The Project Space, designed to house rotating exhibits. For a new video installation, the space has been converted into a kind of mini-theater for a work by a young Chinese artist that's having its first viewing in the United States. KCUR's Steve Walker reports.
Check here for a cyber discussion between Cao Fei and Curator Leesa Fanning.
RMB City Opera
February 4?June 5, 2011
Location: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art's Bloch Building, Gallery L8
Admission is free.
Running time: 45 minutes
Video begins 15 minutes after the hour, every hour
Parental Discretion is Advised
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