Kansas City, MO – The Kansas City Health Department has issued a heat advisory that will remain in effect for the rest of the summer. The following are some tips to avoid heat related illnesses.
-- Never leave children, pets or others alone in closed vehicles as the temperature inside a car can quickly reach more than 140 F.
-- Avoid extreme temperature changes, such as a taking a cool shower immediately after coming inside from hot temperatures.
-- If your home does not have air conditioning, go to a public building every day for several hours.
-- If you have to work outside, take frequent breaks, rest in the shade and drink plenty of water.
-- Dress for the weather by wearing loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing to help reflect heat and maintain a normal body temperature. If you have to be outside, cover as much skin as possible to avoid sunburn. Protect your face and heat with a wide-brimmed hat.
-- Check on your neighbors, friends and relatives at least twice a day, especially those who are at high risk. Infants, seniors, chronically ill/disabled, people taking certain prescriptions and people facing financial challenges are at high risk for heat-related illnesses.