Kansas City, Kan. – Half of all Latino immigrants in the United States send money home. More than 20 billion dollars a year go to Mexico. Last week, the Mexican Consulate unveiled a new financial tool will make it easier for residents of Kansas City to send money to a small town in Michoacan, Mexico.
KCUR's Sylvia Maria Gross visited with Victor Galvan, a man who has helped maintain the bond between these two communities. Galvan moved to the United States when he was 17. He eventually started a construction business here, and he's always sent money back to his family in Tangancicuaro. And he's built a whole plaza in his yard in Kansas City, Kansas, to remind him of Tangancicuaro.
Tangancicuaro has benefited a lot from its connection to Kansas City, but there's actually a pretty high cost to sending money there. That's where Mexican Consul Jacob Prado comes in.
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