8-Year-Old’s Mission To Help South Sudan
In 2001, when the Lost Boys of Sudan came to the United States, most of the young refugees brought painful memories of war as well as a deep desire to help their home country. Now, over a decade later, many of them have families and children of their own. A former Lost Boy living in Kansas City recently found out that his devotion to Sudan doesn’t end with him. John Akuei was as surprised as anyone when his son decided he wanted to collect school supplies for children in South Sudan.
Stephanie Mott Shares Her Journey And Speaks Out On Transgender Issues
People who are transgender, meaning that they identify with a gender different from their biological one, face a difficult road to self-acceptance. They endure bullying and higher rates of discrimination in housing and the job market. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, a startling 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide. This statistic is part of the reason why Stephanie Mott, Executive Director of the Kansas Statewide Transgender Education Project is so involved in educating the public about transgender issues.
Hay Theft On The Rise In Farm Country
Before this year, rancher Ted Swanson had only been the victim of theft once in his life – he had his bike stolen in Chicago. But Labor Day weekend, Swanson noticed about $5,000 worth of hay missing from his Northern Colorado ranch. It had been sitting in his field near the side of the road.
A Check-In On NBAF
Debate continues over the huge animal disease lab under construction, maybe, in Manhattan, Kansas. Experts say a release of the wildly contagious Foot and Mouth Disease at the proposed National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, or NBAF, could cost the livestock industry millions – even billions - of dollars in damages. Hear an update on the lab’s progress.
One Man’s Walkabout In Kansas
In recent years, urban planners have renewed their focus on creating walkable communities. Walking is the most basic mode of transportation – and yet, in the Kansas City metropolitan area, it’s not as common as in other parts of the country. One local man walks the roads less traveled, across Kansas.
Male Cheerleader Goes Against The Tide In Rural, Ozarks Town
This is a story about following your dreams, even though you might be swimming against the current. Collin Hadley, a senior at Koshkonong High School in south-central Missouri, says he used to be shy, and wasn’t very social. One thing he loved to do was flips.
F-You, I’m From Kansas
In late September, Kansas got an unofficial Facebook page with a tongue in cheek sense of humor and profanity in its name. The page is called F- You, I’m from Kansas and already has garnered more than 23-thousand likes on Facebook.