Can An Ombudsman Save The KC-St. Joe Diocese?
The local Roman Catholic diocese has attracted worldwide attention for its problems with child abuse, particularly because of Bishop Robert Finn, the first and only US bishop to be convicted of failing to report suspected abuse. Later this month, the Diocese’s Office of Child and Youth Protection will release its second annual public report on abuse in the parishes. The report is one of several big steps the Diocese has taken in recent years to address abuse. But, some say these steps aren’t enough.
Interest In Genealogy Rising, Technology Driving Changes
So, what are we? From Ellis Island to Jamestown, Americans have been tracing their family lines for years, but recently, there's been an explosion of interest, according to some experts. Hear how a local genealogy center tracks down personal history in the 21st century.
Why Was The Maryville Rape Case Dropped?
It’s made national news several times in the last year – almost the same story, different places. A drunk high school girl is raped. The attack is amplified by viral videos and social media. Some of the boys accused of the acts are investigated. And in one of the most famous cases, two football players were convicted in Steubenville, Ohio. A similar case has now come up in Maryville, Missouri about two hours north of Kansas City. But unlike the others, this case seemed to disappear as quickly as it erupted, leaving a town talking, law enforcement under question and two girls dealing with very grown-up problems.
Sexual Assault, Rape Culture And Missouri State Law
The Maryville story leaves us with a lot of questions – the main one being, why exactly was the case dropped? And why do similar cases keep happening all over the country? Hear an interview with Kimberly Lonsway, Director of Research for End Violence Against Women International.
Kansas City Creative Couples: Fulton Adams & Megee
This week in our series on Kansas City’s Creative Couples series we profile actor, director and playwright Ron Megee and costume and clothing designer, Jon Fulton Adams.