Kansas City, MO – A wind-power turbine assembly operation is moving to the KCI Intermodal BusinessCentre. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon revealed more about it on KCUR's Up To Date .
It's called Nordic Windpower USA. It will move headquarters from Berkeley California to the BusinesCentre and its assembly plant from Idaho to existing space at the airport. The Governor says it'll mean about 200 jobs. The Kansas City Business Journal says it'll be more like 175.
The Governor says a growth trend for jobs in the state is moving upward--"And you see that. Not only in the jobs numbers and the income numbers, but also with some of the companies that are choosing Missouri and deciding to move forward, UNISYS, IBM, DuPont Pioneer, Jet Midwest, Nordic today. We're seeing a lot more deals."
City Aviation Director Mark Van Loh says the move is in synch with mixing aviation and non-aviation industry at KCI to diversify the city's jobs portfolio.
Nordic developed and makes two-bladed wind turbines.
First phase of the 800 acre Business Park at KCI began construction in 2008 and is expected, eventually, to support seven buildings of nearly 2.7 million square feet for offices and light factories.