Kansas City, Mo. – Mayor Mark Funkhouser saw his plans for an office of school support sent back to committee yesterday.
The underlying theme of most objections seemed to be unwillingness to let a vote for a study of creating the office be taken as a vote for the office as conceived by the mayor and the his proposed "schools first" program. Council member Cindy Circo went so far as to suggest that the main purpose of the office was to enhance the Funkhouser's reelection chances.
The mayor denied the allegation: "I have to respond to the charge that... uh... Council member Circo made that this is merely a political ploy. Uh... it is not. Yes, I want to continue to be the mayor. The best way for me to do that is to do the very best job I can as mayor."
The resolution was sent back to committee for refinement by a 7 to 4 vote. The mayor voted with the majority to send it back.