A second Power and Light District apartment tower at Truman Road and Grand has won big dollar incentives from the Kansas City council.
The council Thursday approved underwriting construction of the 24-story Two Light luxury apartment tower and its parking garage for up to $17 million and endorsed what amounts to 50 percent property tax abatement for 25 years.
Councilman Jim Glover told colleagues to think of it not as a subsidy, but an investment.
“It brings people to downtown that wouldn't live there otherwise,” said Glover. “And what we recapture in sales tax and in earnings tax that they generate... I think the figures were $75 million over 40 years.”
The council was less enthusiastic about, but also approved paying a quarter of a million to settle an EEOC hostile workplace/sexual discrimination complaint against now resigned Councilman Michael Brooks. The legal department advised that it would not be wise to let Tonia Titus' complaint go to a jury trial.