Kansas City’s Public Works Department wants residents to know: If your garbage bags have a biohazard logo on them, the city won’t take your trash.
Some residents have recently bought red biohazard trash bags from a door-to-door salesman.
Public Works spokesman Sean Demory says that during the past month, garbage crews have spotted a few hundred of the bio-waste bags mostly on the east side between 47th and 63rd streets.
He says only private medical waste collection companies can take those bags. Demory says that residents that bought the bags should not use them, but he says garbage crews will accept any other kind of trash bags, regardless of color or design.
“During the holiday season we see red and green trash bags. We will collect those, we will collect any other colors,” Demory says. “But, if you do have red trash bags with biohazard symbols on them, please don't use them."