Segment 1: How do you learn how to read?
Reading is an important life skill that starts at an early age. But how do kids actually learn how to do it? There is research, of course, but implementing the findings is more complicated that you might think.
- Daniel Huffman, second grade teacher, Martin City K-8 School
- Nora Peterman, Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy, UMKC School of Education
Segment 2, beginning at 28:04: Meet some local young adult fiction authors.
The KC area is home to a surprising number of young adult fiction writers. We talk with a few of them to find out more about the YA genre — and what's unique about writing for this age group.
- Adib Khorram, author of Darius the Great Is Not Okay
- Megan Bannen, author of The Bird and the Blade and Youth Services Librarian, Johnson County Library
- Natalie C. Parker, author of Seafire