Segment 1: Celebrating indigenous foods at Thanksgiving.
Turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce are staples for the modern-day Thanksgiving feast. But the story of the first Thanksgiving is one where indigenous people prepared food with ingredients and cooking methods native to North America. We explore native cuisine with two indigenous chefs.
- Freddie Bitsoie, chef, Mitsitam Cafe at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC
- Lee Meisel, chef, Leeway Franks
Segment 2, beginning at 35:08: What's new in KC Hispanic News?
This is our regular segment where we check in with the people who report on particular communities in our metro. The publisher of "KC Hispanic News" joins us with stories about the so-called "caravan," e-cigarettes, and a former criminal who wants to apologize.
- Joe Arce, publisher, KC Hispanic News