Segment 1: Why the cost of bras that fit is an issue for teens.
Talking to grownups about wearing a bra is hard for pre-teens and teens in any income bracket, but getting bras that fit is that much harder when the social barrier is compounded by a financial one. How a lack of access to bras affects girls in school, and what one local activist is doing about it.
- Tiffany Price, founder, Hold 'Em Up 4 Care
- Libby Price, her cousin and young volunteer
Segment 2: The legacy of Toni Morrison, as felt by Kansas City poets and scholars.
Toni Morrison died in early August. Heartfelt remembrances of the Nobel-prize-winning author continue in Kansas City and beyond weeks later. What is it about her example and her writing that so profoundly influenced local thinkers? Includes readings by all three guests.
- Maryemma Graham, founder and director, KU's Project on the History of Black Writing
- Natasha El-Scari, poet
- Glenn North, poet laureate, 18th and Vine District, director of public programs and events, Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center