If you're always losing your keys or you're concerned about the efficiency of your driving habits, well, there's an app for that.
In the second part of Monday's Up to Date, the Techsperts offer their gift guide for the newest gadgets, perfect for your favorite techie.
- Coin, a computerized credit card, $100 ($50 for pre-order)
- Motherboard Christmas Tree, $15
- Paper Airplane Conversion Kit, $20
- Playstation 4, $400
- Xbox One, $500
- Nike Fuelband, activity monitor, $150
- Samsung's Galaxy Gear Smart Watch, $300
- Misfit Shine, $100-$120 (plus $20 for watch)
- Tetris alarm clock, $30
- BitCoin Miner, varied
- Nerf N-Sports Cyber Hoop Set, $15
- Dustin Jacobsen, chief strategy officer at Flat Square Technology Group
- Derek Moore, computer software engineer at Multi Service.