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Up To Date

Rescued Animals Need Foster Homes

For area animal organizations with a "no-kill" policy, keeping their charges sheltered, fed and socialized  strains available resources.  Fostering programs temporarily place dogs, cats and other animals with qualified people until a forever home can be found.


Additional organizations in need of foster homes:

  • KC Pet Project, in addition to needing foster homes, is waiving adoption fees August 22-23 to make room for additional animals at its area locations. They are also holding an inaugural Furlough event, where families can foster a dog for one weekend September 11-13.
  • Wayside Waifs at 3901 Martha Truman Rd. KCMO
Up To Date animalspets
When I host Up To Date each morning at 9, my aim is to engage the community in conversations about the Kansas City area’s challenges, hopes and opportunities. I try to ask the questions that listeners want answered about the day’s most pressing issues and provide a place for residents to engage directly with newsmakers. Reach me at steve@kcur.org or on Twitter @stevekraske.
As senior producer of Up To Date, I want our listeners to hear familiar and new voices that shine light on the issues and challenges facing the myriad communities KCUR serves, and to expose our audiences to the wonderful and the creative in the Kansas City area. Just as important to me is an obligation to mentor the next generation of producers to ensure that the important conversations continue. Reach me at alexanderdk@kcur.org.