Segment 1: How local activists are reducing student homelessness on the Kansas side of the metro.
Over the last several years a coalition of social services groups in Kansas City, Kansas, operating under the banner Impact Wednesday, have been working to cut in half the number of homeless students in the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools. Today, we heard how the district is collaborating with Impact Wednesday and volunteer teachers to reach zero homelessness among students by 2020.
- Jessica Smith, Mckinney-Vento program specialist at Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools
- Alexis Stankovich, Impact Wednesdays director
Segment 2, beginning at 23:00: KCPD on training officers to diffuse crisis situations.
Recent instances where metro-area police have shot and killed persons armed with decorative swords have raised questions about officers' use of deadly force. We examined the Kansas City Police Department's de-escalation tactics, up to and including lethal measures, and looked at the various conditions officers face in critical moments.
- Maj. Charles Huth, Kansas City Police Department, commander of the North Patrol Division
- Tom Wilson, Police Executive Research Forum director of the Center for Applied Research and Management