For the past few years, Venkat Manda of KC Desi has been presenting Bollywood films at the Glenwood Arts movie theater in Overland Park. Next week's film is Being Cyrus, April 15 at 9:30pm.By Sylvia Maria Gross
Kansas City, MO – The world?s largest film industry is in Bombay, India . . . or Bollywood. The films are available here in Kansas City on DVD. But for some, there?s nothing like watching these visually and musically rich movies in a theater, surrounded by a community that appreciates them. For the past few years, Venkat Manda has been presenting Bollywood films at the Glenwood Arts movie theater in Overland Park. Manda is a computer programmer by day, but with his website,, he?s quickly becoming a multimedia resource for Kansas City?s Indian community. Manda told KCUR?s Sylvia Maria Gross that he first was a DJ for Bollywood songs.