The real world is full of obligatory routines and predictable patterns.
Who needs that on the weekend?
Unload the ordinary and stack up on the fantastic by exposing yourself to amazing superheroes, distant planets and — if you dare — maybe even the dawn of a zombie apocalypse. It could get weird, but if you want to get out of this world, you’ve got to take a few chances.
1. ‘Marvel Universe Live!’
Ironically, the world of superheroes who populate the Marvel Universe is supposed to be essentially realistic. A big part of the original appeal of Marvel Comics in the early 1960s was that the incredible beings depicted resided in New York – as opposed to pretend places like Metropolis or Gotham City – and they exhibited all-too-human flaws that made the characters relatable to fans. That said, total make-believe will run, jump and fly rampant when Spider-Man, the Avengers and a slew of other well-muscled Marvel favorites go up against the forces of cosmically inspired evil at Sprint Center.
Thursday and Friday, 7 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m.; Sunday, 1 and 5 p.m.; Sprint Center, 1407 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.; tickets: $27-$122.
2. Jay McShann’s Centennial Birthday Bash
Close your eyes. Well, not right now. I want you to keep reading. But if you’re lucky enough to be part of the musical celebration in honor of Jay McShann’s 100th birthday, try shutting your peepers for a moment. Then imagine the legendary Kansas City piano man and bandleader doing his smilingly swinging thing back in the 1930s and '40s at a hot jazz club at 18th and Vine. It might be easier than you think, thanks to a sonically splendid array of local and visiting performers to help take you there, including Bobby Watson and his All Stars, Joe Cartwright and Company, pianist Benny Green and singers Lisa Henry, David Basse and Lester “Duck” Warner. Be transported!
Saturday, 7 p.m., Gem Theater, 1615 E. 18th St., Kansas City, Mo.; tickets: $20.
3. Polar Bear Star Party
Maybe you’ve got a new telescope that you haven’t learned how to use yet. Or you have an old telescope that you never got around to figuring out. Or you just like the idea of hanging around folks with telescopes, because they inspire you to look at the night sky and dream of things bigger – much bigger – than yourself. In any case, you’re covered at this free winter stargazing event, hosted by H.M.S. Beagle staff astronomer Leif Bahl, who will show attendees the telescope ropes and answer questions about heavenly bodies. Because cloud cover can kill such a stellar get-together, call 816-587-9998 ahead of time to make sure the party is a go.
Saturday, 5 p.m., H.M.S. Beagle science store, 180 English Landing Dr., Kansas City, Mo.; admission: free.
4. Mid America RV Show
Been to the Badlands in South Dakota? Talk about feeling like you’re on another planet. A special way to experience that bizarre terrain – or any other awesome outdoor destination – is to hit the road in a super-cool, self-sufficient, brand-new recreational vehicle. To get the lowdown on the latest models – if not the ready cash to drive one home – doers and dreamers alike are invited to the 2016 edition of the Mid America RV Show. In addition to rows of perusable mobile manses, visitors can gather valuable information from vacation pitch people, as well as witness the antics of magician, daredevil and “Balloon Guy” James Johnson, who hails from Canada and might also have a tip or two for potential explorers of the Great White North.
Thursday, 1-8 p.m.; Friday, noon-8 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Bartle Hall, 301 W. 13th St., Kansas City, Mo.; tickets: $12, ages 12 and younger free.
5. Shamrock Fighting Championships Mixed Martial Arts
Not to be combative, but I don’t care what anybody else says – mixed martial arts fighters who furiously punch, kick and grapple in a metal cage exist in totally different world. What they do makes boxing look like afternoon tea, which may explain why MMA is more popular than ever. Fans will cheer, jeer and perhaps feel vicarious fear (always better than the real thing) at this gladiatorial display, featuring an extensive lineup of determined warriors striving for bigger bucks and greater fame at any cost. I wince just writing about it.
Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; Ameristar Casino, 3200 N. Ameristar Dr., Kansas City, Mo.; tickets: $55-$110.
6. ‘Pontypool’
When a shock-jock radio show host begins to suspect that language itself may be the cause of a virus leading people to become murderous maniacs – zombies, if you will – societal metaphor mixes with tangible horror. Eavesdrop on the potential apocalypse in “Pontypool,” a stage play based on a 1990s novel and subsequent cult film and radio drama, starring acclaimed Kansas City actors John Rensenhouse and Katie Gilchrist. For adults only, right? Right.
Thursday-Sunday (previews Thursday and Friday), 8 p.m.; the Living Room Theatre, 1818 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo.; tickets: $15 (previews), $25.