A special committee of transportation officials is still reviewing the amount of money MoDOT workers and State Troopers pay for health insurance.
Most of the committee members are leaning towards a proposal from the Highway Patrol, which would have the state pay 60 percent of the cost and the individual employee or retiree 40 percent.
Rudy Farber is chairman of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission. He says under the current system, the amount of coverage a worker pays varies based on many factors.
“They varied from as high as the state paying 88 percent to as low as the state paying 43 percent. Now, how we got to this point over the years, I’m not sure,” says Farber
The uniform 60/40 split favored by the Highway Patrol is just one of several options the full Highways and Transportation Commission could choose from.
Farber says it’s possible the commission could make a final decision at its December meeting.