Note: this story originally aired on Memorial Day, 2006. The Museum opens on December 2, 2006. Ralph Applebaum is the exhibition designer of the Liberty Memorial Museum, which is carved out of a space underneath the memorial's tower. To listen to an extended interview on Up to Date, listen here: hereBy Laura Spencer
Kansas City, MO – Ralph Appelbaum and his team of 70 designers have created more than 100 public spaces in over 50 cities since 1978, from the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum in Washington, D.C. to the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville. Applebaum is the exhibition designer of the Liberty Memorial Museum, which is carved out of a space underneath the memorial's tower. He visited Kansas City last week, donned a hard hat, and while construction continued around him, gave a tour of his vision for the museum. KCUR's Laura Spencer sends us this postcard.
Note: The museum's invitation-only dedication is Dec. 2. It will open to the public after that. A Dec. 1 gala will cost $1,000 a couple (limit of 500 people).