By Steve Bell and Laura Spencer
Kansas City, MO – Police identified the man officers gunned down at the Ward Parkway mall as David Logsdon, 51. They believe he killed a neighbor he was feuding with, shot and wounded an officer who stopped him and confiscated one weapon and, according to Police Sergeant John Jackson, headed for the Target Store where he formerly worked with the intent of wreaking havoc.
"He had worked there a few months ago...had been attempting to become a security guard. But because of the outstanding warrants...our private officer commission wouldn't provide him with the license, so he was let go from the store."
Kansas City Police Chief James Corwin says outstanding police work prevented a worse disaster.
"David Logsdon had a plan. The police officer that found him at the convenience store started to stop that plan and certainly once he got to the shopping mall the officers that confronted him inside that mall stopped an incident that could have been very very bad."
Before a police sharpshooter killed the gunman he had fired 31 rounds inside the mall, injuring six more bystanders.