By Kelley Weiss
Kansas City, MO – Additional money will help more women to get vaccines to prevent cancer caused from a common sexually transmitted disease. KCUR's Kelley Weiss reports.
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The REACH Healthcare Foundation will give $500,000 to buy low income women human papillomovirus, or HPV, vaccines to prevent cervical cancer. Last month the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, which supports KCUR's health coverage, announced a $2 million grant for underserved women ages 9 to 26 to get the shots. The combined funding will make the three-series vaccine that costs more than $300 free to more than 5,000 women. The shots will be available to women who qualify in six counties, in both Kansas and Missouri, by August.
Funding for health care coverage on KCUR has been provided by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City.
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