A daily digest of headlines from KCUR:
Event Provides Free Dental Care To 2,100 People, Ron Paul Visits Kansas City & Farmers Play The Commodities Market With Grain Bins.
Event provides Free Dental Care To 2,100 People
Kansas Dentists and their support staff provided dental care worth 1.5-million dollars to more than two-thousand patients this weekend in Kansas City, Kansas—all at no charge. Listen to the story here.
Ron Paul Visits Kansas City
Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul told a Kansas City audience of some 1500, the nation is sliding into what he called a “fascist system.” The Texas congressman spread blame for his estimation of the country’s condition. Read more about Paul’s visit here.
Farmers Play The Commodities Market with Grain Bins
Across the corn belt, more farmers are putting up their own grain bins —giant, metal cylindrical storage silos. By storing their own grain, farmers can choose when and at what price they want to sell. If they play the market right, they could bring in 20 or 30 cents more a bushel, which can translate into thousands of dollars in profit. Read more here.