Central Standard
Central Standard is a talk show fueled by curiosity and critical thinking.
We tell the stories of people who matter in the Kansas City region.
Latest Episodes
Segment 1: Rye's Megan Garrelts is a semi-finalist for a James Beard Award for Outstanding Pastry Chef. While some pastry chefs make a name for themselves…
Segment 1: Can we really expect people to stay home from work when they're sick if they don't get paid sick leave?In Missouri and Kansas, employers are…
Segment 1: How voters are feeling the day after the 2020 Missouri Democratic Primary.Yesterday’s primary in Missouri and several other states may have…
Segment 1: In 1990, Deanna Dikeman took a photo of her parents waving goodbye to her as she drove away.She continued to take these pictures for decades…
Segment 1: Inequality in the story of lead contamination and lead removal.Homes in Kansas City's oldest and one-time affluent neighborhoods are now lived…
Turnout among younger voters so far in the Democratic presidential primary contest has been lower than expected. Still, many college students in the…
Kansas City is becoming more welcoming for black women who want to start their own businesses.Adrienne Haynes, the managing partner at the business law…
Segment 1: What if instead of the Confederate flag, the symbol of the Civil War was a worn out dish rag?The current exhibit at H&R Block Artspace is about…
Less than a week before the Missouri preisdential primaries, on the day that the Democratic field narrowed to a final two candidates, Kansas City area…
Segment 1: A new exhibit at the Fed highlights a surge of businesses owned by black women.Between 2002 and 2012, the number of businesses owned by black…