Segment 1: How long does it take to make a friend?
According to a KU professor, it takes 50 hours to make a casual friend (though that's not always guaranteed). We take a closer look into his research, including the online quiz he created to determine the closeness of a friendship.
- Jeffrey Hall, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, University of Kansas
- Anna Yakutenko, reporter for the Kyiv Post in Ukraine; KCUR's Alfred Friendly Fellow
Segment 2, beginning at 38:38: The overlooked story of cowboys of color.
Hollywood has probably shaped many people's picture of what a cowboy looked like: rugged, riding off into the sunset and usually white. Hear more about the cowboys of color who helped shaped the West.
Gloria Austin, co-founder, National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum and Hall of Fame
Gloria Austin and Jim Austin will be delivering a presentation titled 'Cowboys of Color' at the Kansas City Livestock Exchange Building in the West Bottoms on Saturday, April 28 from noon to 1 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit