Segment 1: Why is predicting Kansas City weather so hard?
In Kansas City, you can regularly experience three seasons in one day. We talk with local meteorologists about how different elements of Kansas City such as altitude, latitude and longitude combine to create our signature weather, once named most unpredictable among major US cities.
- Bryan Busby, first alert chief meteorologist, KMBC 9 News
- Andy Bailey, warning coordination meteorologist, NWS Kansas City
Segment 2, beginning at 24:31: Looking back at Open Spaces.
Open Spaces was an unprecedented arts festival for any city, encompassing mulitple locations throughout town for ten straight weeks. Now that it's over, what were the highs and lows? How could it improve? Did the city-sponsored event serve the public?
- Mo Dickens, gallery assistant and raconteur, Belger Arts Center
- April Fleming, provided coverage of Open Spaces 'Weekend' for The Pitch
- Dan Cameron, artistic director and curator, Open Spaces