Elle Moxley
Education ReporterElle Moxley covered education for KCUR.
Lines were short in Johnson County Tuesday morning because so many Kansans voted early. In Missouri, there were long waits to vote in some precincts, but not at Arrowhead.
German students headed back to school after a two-month lockdown in the spring. Eight months after the pandemic began, many students in Kansas City and St. Louis are still learning at home.
Vaccination rates are lower than usual this year, especially in school districts still learning virtually. Now pediatricians are urging parents to bring their kids in for well-child checks and childhood immunizations.
In Some Missouri School Districts, Teachers Are Essential Workers — So They Don’t Have To QuarantineEssential workers don't have to quarantine as long as they don't have symptoms. Declaring teachers essential would keep them in classrooms even after having close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
The coronavirus isn’t running rampant through schools that have reopened. Health officials say that’s because with precautions, schools can operate safely.
To keep students in school, more people need to wear masks, practice social distancing and minimize contact with others.
Jackson County Legislators Can't Decide If Urban Or Suburban Schools Should Get More Coronavirus AidSuburban school districts will get more money if Jackson County distributes CARES funds by enrollment. But high poverty districts say the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on the low-income families they serve.
The district purchased the devices when they still thought this school year would start in person, but since everyone is learning virtually, students need more data.
The new guidance, which came out quietly on Wednesday, has stricter thresholds than the gating criteria in use in many school districts across the country.
Critically important brain development occurs in the first three years of a child's life. It's also when states invest the fewest resources.