KCUR Arts Reporter Steve Walker shares his top movie pick of the week.Ready, Set, Bag! - Justine Jacob's documentary ambitiously follows the lives of 8 grocery store baggers from across the country as they prepare for the annual National Grocers Association's Best Bagger competition. The contest itself is as weird as it sounds, but the contestants - each one their state champion - aren't weird at all, just a tad obsessed (they and their fans would say blessed) with knowing the delicate inner geometry of a grocery bag. And the contestants - a group that ranges from a 17-year-old kid to a working mom whose daughter is following in her footsteps - aren't all, as you'd suspect, cut from the same mold The movie is funny, but not in a way that belittles or mocks the baggers; they seem to be in on any inherent jokes. (Tivoli) - Steve Walker