The investigation continues into three bodies found on an Ottawa Farm. The Missouri legislature considers tax cuts and approves a final version of the state budget. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback calls for extending a sales tax to pay for higher education.
Fear For Missing Olathe Woman And Baby As Three Bodies Are Found
Identities of three people found murdered on a rural acreage near Ottawa, Kansas remain a public mystery. Friends of a couple who lived there initially found two bodies. The most recent discovery adds up to two men and a woman, dead. Find out more about the ongoing investigation here.
Proposed Tax Cut Scaled Back By Missouri Senate Republicans
Republicans in the Missouri Senate have scaled back a proposal to cut state taxes in order to emulate tax cuts in neighboring Kansas and Oklahoma. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, a Democrat, has strongly objected to the bill's sales tax hike, saying it would hurt the poor and elderly the most. That provision has been dropped. Learn more here.
Negotiators Approve Final Version Of Missouri Budget
Missouri House and Senate budget negotiators have crafted a final version of next year's state budget. The nearly $25 billion spending plan includes a $66 million increase for K-12 schools, and a $25 million hike for state universities and community colleges. It still does not include the Medicaid expansion proposed by Democratic Governor Jay Nixon. Find out more here.
Brownback Calls For Sales Tax Extension For Higher Ed
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback wants lawmakers to extend a temporary sales tax hike as a way to fund the state's universities. The governor says cuts to higher education would be a momentum-killer at a time when he thinks a lot of positive things are happening in Kansas. Read more here.