Segment 1, beginning at 00:34: Newsrooms are dealing with criticism for their coverage of President Donald Trump as well as calls for greater racial equity in their ranks and coverage.
The Media Critics discussed accusations that journalists did too little too late in calling out Trump's misstatements as lies. They also commented on newsrooms' efforts to have more people of color as members of staff, sources, and serving on their boards.
- Patricia Weems Gaston, Lacy Haynes Professor of Journalism in the William Allen White School of Journalism at the University of Kansas
- Lewis Diuguid, author of "Our Fathers: Making Black Men"
Segment 2, beginning at 27:35: The creator of the website allowing mothers to vent reveals some of the stories she heard.
Jessica Bennett was part of the effort behind The New York Times' hotline for frustrated mothers. Bennett recalls some of the more memorable messages that exemplify the pressure of balancing home and career during the coronavirus pandemic. She also spoke about her role as the first and only gender editor for the paper.
- Jessica Bennett, current editor at large for The New York Times focusing on gender, politics and culture