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Kansas City's LGBTQ Commission | Federal Unemployment | The Scopes Trial Today

The logo of the L G B T Q Commission of Kansas City, Missouri. A purple circle outlined in white. Arching across the top are 11 stars, each a different color, then a circle outlined in white inside the purple circle containing the linked K and C of Kansas City.  Beneath that inner circle arching along the bottom are the letters L G B T Q in white followed by the word commission in black.
City of Kansas City, Missouri
The LGBTQ Commission of Kansas City, Missouri held its first meeting on April 28, 2021. This body is the first of its kind for the city and for the state of Missouri.

LGBTQ commissioners on the issues they want to address, Missouri Governor Mike Parson's solution to Missouri's labor shortage and how a century-old trial resonates today.

Segment 1, beginning at 1:00 : Members of the new commission were sworn in last month and will work with the mayor and the city council on issues affecting the LGBTQ community.

Despite having to create bylaws and learning the ropes of municipal government, the city's newest commissioners already know policies they want to look at. Among those are "safe places" within the city and gender neutral restrooms in all government buildings.

  • Justin Short, Kansas City LGBTQ Commissioner
  • Moon Glasgow-Brown, Kansas City LGBTQ Commission Chair

Segment 2, begging at 25:51: In a move to force people to look for work, Missouri Governor Mike Parson opts to halt additional federal unemployment benefits.

Gov. Parson joins his counterparts in Alabama, Arkansas, Montana, Mississippi and South Carolina in ending federal unemployment benefits. In making the announcement, the governor said, "It's time that we end these programs that have ultimately incentivized people to stay out of the workforce.” We examine what this could mean for the state's non-employed and its economy.

  • Jason Rosenbaum, political correspondent, St. Louis Public Radio

Segment 3, beginning at 38:04: One of the most important freedom cases of the 20th century took place in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee.

In 1925, the Scopes Trial stirred up a conversation over whether modern science should be taught in public schools. While it is no longer illegal to teach the theory of evolution, the arguments brought forth in that trial are continuing in parts of America still.

When I host Up To Date each morning at 9, my aim is to engage the community in conversations about the Kansas City area’s challenges, hopes and opportunities. I try to ask the questions that listeners want answered about the day’s most pressing issues and provide a place for residents to engage directly with newsmakers. Reach me at steve@kcur.org or on Twitter @stevekraske.
As Up To Date’s senior producer, I want to pique the curiosity of Kansas Citians and help them understand the world around them. Each day, I construct conversations with our city’s most innovative visionaries and creatives, while striving to hold elected officials accountable and amplifying the voices of everyday Kansas Citians. Email me at zach@kcur.org.
Chris Young is an Assistant Producer for KCUR’s Up To Date. Contact him at chrisy@kcur.org.
As an assistant producer on Up To Date, my goal is to amplify voices of people who serve as pioneers in their respective fields while shedding light on issues that affect underserved communities. I produce daily conversations to uplift and inspire the people of the Kansas City area to make the world a better place. You can reach me at reginalddavid@kcur.org.