Segment 1, beginning at 1:00: Access to abortion and reproductive healthcare in Missouri picked up a win in court last week.
A three-judge panel with the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal judge’s decision not to enforce a 2019 law which banned most abortions at eight weeks and in cases where the fetus has Down syndrome. HB 126 is the latest bill from the Republican-led legislature in a continuing effort to undermine Roe vs. Wade. Dr. Colleen McNicholas describes the bill as "a clear challenge to established precedent."
- Dr. Colleen McNicholas, chief medical officer of reproductive health services, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region
Segment 2, beginning at 23:02: Nobody said marriage was easy, but a global pandemic certainly hasn't helped.
COVID-19 forced many couples to not only live together, but work together as well. Citing the constant proximity to one-another, Erica Thompson describes the strain on relationships as "a breakdown in communication with each other." Other factors include financial pressures from the pandemic and increasing infidelity as communities begin re-opening.
- Erica Thompson, couples counselor
- Hugh O'Donnell, divorce mediator and family attorney