In E.B. White's classic novel "Charlotte's Web," a pig called Wilbur, the runt of the litter, is raised by a young girl named Fern and befriended by a spider named Charlotte.
Kansas City, MO – In the Lyric Opera of Kansas City's production, professional opera singers and more than 20 children bring the story to life through song. KCUR's Laura Spencer spoke with a middle schooler and a high schooler who share the role of Fern.
Performances of the Lyric Opera of Kansas City's "Charlotte's Web" are open to the public on May 9, 2009, 2 pm and 4:30 pm (SOLD OUT) at the Copaken Stage, H&R Block World Headquarters, downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
Find out more about the production, and hear from other cast members, on the Lyric Opera of Kansas City's blog.
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