In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, more than 400 works of art have been promised or gifted to the museum. This includes seven pieces of African art.
Kansas City, Mo. – In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, more than 400 works of art have been promised or gifted to the museum. This includes seven pieces of African art from the extensive collection of Hallmark Cards, Inc. board chairman, Donald Hall, and his wife, Adele Hall - long-time benefactors of the museum. KCUR's Laura Spencer reports.
Adele and Donald Hall bought their first piece of African Art more than fifty years ago, within their first year of marriage. In the beginning, it was the functionality that appealed to them.
"Each piece has a powerful ability to speak to you," says Adele Hall. "It says celebration or it says honoring the deceased ancestors or protecting the household or helping to ensure a good harvest."
Donald Hall says he and his wife were also drawn to the sculptural quality of the works. "We started loving the shapes and rather modern, contemporary feeling that African art has."
More than 100 gifts, including the seven pieces of African art promised from the Halls, will be on display in the exhibition, Magnificent Gifts for the 75th, that opens to the public February 13, 2010.
For more on the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art's African art collection, check here.
Magnificent Gifts for the 75th
February 13, 2010 - April 4, 2010
Bloch Building, Galleries L13 and L14
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
This exhibition will be ticketed.
A free public weekend will be held Feb. 19-21.
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