Due to a budget shortfall, as its 19th season approaches, Heart of America Shakespeare Festival organizers are asking: "Is this a dagger which I see before me?" when it comes to this year's scheduled production of Macbeth.
By Laura Spencer
Kansas City, Mo. – Due to a budget shortfall, as its 19th season approaches, Heart of America Shakespeare Festival organizers are asking: "Is this a dagger which I see before me?" when it comes to this year's scheduled production of Macbeth. KCUR's Laura Spencer reports.
Each year, the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival starts from scratch, raising funds from corporations, foundations, and individuals.
Producing artistic director Sidonie Garrett says charitable giving is down. And with just over a month to go before the production of Macbeth, they're running $100,000 short. A May 4th deadline has been imposed to raise the money or cancel the production.
"We cannot put thread to fabric, nor nail to wood until we know we have this money," says Garrett. "We want to make sure that we're being responsible. And that people who we've hired to do jobs for us will actually get paid."
A challenge grant from the John C. Griswold Foundation is in place to match a portion of donations.