Kansans are rather unoriginal when it comes to naming their cats, the most popular name for felines in the state is Kitty.
Missourians are slightly more creative, and prideful. According to a report out Wednesday the most popular name for cats in the Show-Me state is Tiger.
The most popular name for dogs in both states is Bella, which is the most popular dog name in the country. Bella is most likely a Labrador Retriever or Chihuahua.
The 2013 State of Pet Health report, released by Banfield Pet Hospitals, goes beyond popular names and breeds. Data compiled from more than 800 Banfield hospitals in 43 states indicates pets are living longer. On average, cats live a year longer than they did in 2002, and dogs are living about 6 months longer.
The report also indicates that spayed and neutered pets out-live their reproducing counterparts.
The data set included 2.2 million dogs and 460,000 cats that visited a Banfield hospital in 2012.
You can visit the website to see state-by-state average pet lifespan, most common diagnoses and an expanded popular pet names list.