No one appeared at a Jefferson City hearing today to testify against a bill that would speed Missouri's ability to take some charge of unaccredited Kansas City schools. There was support from a teachers’ association and the Missouri School Boards’ Association.
Under current law, a district losing accreditation has two years to recover, a situation now facing the Kansas City district.
The bill written by Chillicothe Republican Representative Mike Lair changes the timeline to give the state what he calls "flexibility." In Lair's words, “Kansas City schools have been having problems for a while. To sit back and wait two more years would be, I think, unconscionable.”
The sponsor would not characterize the measure as hurring a state takeover.
Lair said Speaker of the House Stephen Tilley supports his bill. Lair expects it to pass in committee.
Lair’s measure would go into effect as soon as signed by the governor if, indeed, it is.
Lair describes himself as a retired public school history teacher who wants to speed recovery process for the school children of Kansas City. The measure would apply to any school district in Missouri that loses accreditation.