KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Kansas City's mayor gave the council his comments on the city manager's budget proposal yesterday, and they repeated familiar Mark Funkhouer themes.
Mayor Funkhouser praised City Manager Troy Schulte for a balanced budget, then proposed his changes.
The mayor would bring the police department into the city's healthcare plan, rebuild reserve funds depleted by big snow removal expenses.
Once again he asked for about 40 more police officers... and called for an end to the city's $2 million contribution to the sports complex. And once again the rest of the council disagreed on that.
Ed Ford remarked, "The last time I checked it was the Kansas City Royals and the Kansas City Chiefs, not the Jackson County Royals and the Jackson County Chiefs."
Other council members concede that there is no formal, legally binding agreement to subsidize the sports complex, but they also say a deal is a deal, and the promise was made.