One of the largest suburbs in Jackson County is suing the county, Jackson County Executive Frank White and Assessment Director Gail McCann Beatty over the ongoing troubles with property reassessment in the county.
The lawsuit, filed in Jackson County Circuit Court and made public Monday, alleges the county, White and McCann Beatty "fail and refuse their clear and unconditional duty to assess real property taxes in Jackson County in the way required by Missouri law."
The lawsuit charges the county has failed to notify property owners of hikes in their valuations, failed to perform required property inspections and allowed an increase in assessments greater than allowed by state law.
“For too long the County and its officials have offered one excuse after another for their failure to correctly assess real property," Lee's Summit Mayor Bill Baird said in a statement. "The County still won’t get it right and Lee’s Summit just can’t wait any longer.”
The lawsuit says the whole mess is costing the city tax revenue because taxes collected by the county on behalf of Lee's Summit get delayed due to the massive number of people appealing their reassessments. Some 54,000 appeals have been filed this year.
This lawsuit comes as the county is also appealing a ruling by the State Tax Commission that cut the valuation on 20 County Club Plaza properties by 38%.
Jackson County did not immediately respond to a request for comment.