Lisa Hagen
Lisa Hagen is a reporter at WABE.
In 2011, Lisa interned and produced videos for the English-language news site Al-Ahram, in Cairo, Egypt. She’s reported for DNAInfo.com and from Clinton Hill/Ft. Greene Brooklyn for the NYTimes’ “The Local” blog. She’s also put in a couple years as a stringer for the New York Post before moving south.
Lisa studied creative writing at Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute, but ended up with a much more practical degree in “Militarism and Sexuality” from New York University’s Gallatin School. A master’s degree from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism seemed a next logical step.
She’s originally from Kahalu’u, Hawaii. Lisa does not know how to surf. She can, however, filet a salmon very quickly and is a lover of fly-fishing.
Lowering gun violence was one issue on which Democratic presidential candidates spoke with nearly one voice. But researchers question the effectiveness of some of the Democrats' proposals.