Segment 1: Why The Olympics in PyeongChang is about more than sports to Kansas City's Korean community.
For members of the Korean community in Kansas City, the Winter Olympics have been as much a celebration of heritage as it is a moment of political tension. Today, we check in to learn about the significance of this international event.
- Dennis Cho
- Sejun Song, professor, UMKC
Segment 2, beginning at 27:11: How the Folk Alliance International Conference influenced local musicians.
After five years in Kansas City, the Folk Alliance International Conference is moving to Montreal in Canada. We check in with local musicians to find out how the week-long jam session and networking event impacted The Metro's music scene.
- John L. Keck, singer/songwriter
- Kasey Rausch, musician & radio host
- Micheal McClintock, band leader, Cubanisms