Segment 1: Meet the city's expert on illegal dumping.
Cleaning up other people's messes can be a thankless task. But KCMO's illegal dumping investigator is passionate about his job. Hear his story.
- Alan Ashurst, KCMO Illegal Dumping Investigator
Segment 2, beginning at 16:03: Should music venues be held accountable for the political positions of the bands they book?
Recently, a local music venue booked a Norwegian metal band that's been accused of Nazi sympathies — then canceled the show when a major hip hop artist called them out for it. Should music venues, musicians and even music fans know about — and answer for — the politics and views of bands?
- Aaron Randle, Reporter, The Kansas City Star
- Mike Russo, KCUR's Marketing Director, former co-owner of The Record Machine
- Kemet the Phantom, The Phantastics