Segment 1: Local musician AY has a new song out about his experience as a male victim of domestic abuse.
When he was going through the experience, he didn't know where to turn for help or how to talk about it. Now he's sharing his story to open up the conversation about who gets abused by who. Researchers and support organizations say that while intimate partner violence can happen to anyone, it's harder to get help and find the right resources if you're a man.
- AY Young, musician, For You
- Emily Douglas, professor and head of the social science and policy studies department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Carlen Davis, community outreach educator, Friends of Yates
Segment 2, beginning at 32:15: A Missouri author is out with a new book about America's early years.
William Least Heat-Moon's new novel is inspired by the nation's current divisions, but it's set in the late 1800's. That's because living in divided times is nothing new. In the book, Heat-Moon examines the American promise through the eyes of people it was denied to in the country's earliest days.
- William Least Heat-Moon, author, O America Discovery in a New Land