In World War I, he served alongside American forces in 17 battles. He had a unique talent for locating wounded soldiers, and he often alerted his unit to incoming gas attacks. This unlikely hero was Sergeant Stubby a stray stump-tailed terrier mutt who became a national hero.
On this edition of Up to Date, host Steve Kraske talks with Ann Bausum, author of Sergeant Stubby: How a Stray Dog and His Best Friend Helped Win World War I and Stole the Heart of a Nation, about the life and legacy of this remarkable dog and World War I hero.
- Ann Bausum writes about US History for readers of all ages, and has written nine National Geographic books for young readers.
Hear More: Ann Bausum tells the story of Stubby the War Dog at the Plaza Branch of the Kansas City Public Library on Friday, October 3, beginning at 6:30.