Segment 1: Researchers explain the data of who is receiving an abortion and why.
A study by Guttmacher Institute analyzed data from their 2008 and 2014 surveys on abortion and found an increase in the proportion of low-income women who received abortions. The University of California San Francisco conducted its own study following women who were able to receive an abortion, and contrasted the unintended effects of pregnancy with those women who were denied an abortion.
- Rachel K. Jones, principal research scientist, Guttmacher Institute,
and co-author of "Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014 and Changes Since 2008" - Antonia Biggs, social psychologist researcher, University of California San Francisco, and co-researcher of the Turnaway Study
Segment 2, beginning at 23:10: The science that determines what music you like.
The chief architect of the Music Genome Project, describes how services like Pandora understand your taste in music. Most listeners aren't able to recognize all that goes on during the harmony of music, but trained musicologists analyze and code hundreds of variables related to each part of the songs you hear.
- Nolan Gasser, musicologist and author of "Why You Like It: The Science and Culture of Musical Taste"